Dr. Ronald A. Stewart holds a Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Organizational Leadership and Management from The Union Institute and University, a Master of Arts in Nonprofit Organizations from Case Western Reserve University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Rhetoric and Communications from Kent State University. 

Dr. Stewart is passionately engaged in service to the nonprofit and public sectors having served both large and small organizations. A significant portion of Dr. Stewart’s focus is concentrated toward advancing programs and services that assist men, women and families with moving from public dependency to self-sufficiency.

Among the hallmarks of Dr. Stewart’s consultation work within the nonprofit and public sectors are his tailored and practical solutions for organizations, staff, and volunteers alike.  His services include a wide array of capacity building interventions such as training, executive coaching, executive search, board development, planning, evaluation, discussion facilitation, and fundraising.  An experienced grant writer, Dr. Stewart has assisted numerous organizations with securing federal, state, and local resources. 

A native of rural Ohio, Dr. Stewart is keenly aware of the need to engage young people, especially those from Appalachia, in the consideration of contemporary global issues and to encourage their participation in the delivery of community based solutions inspired by these increased awarenesses. In 2010, Dr. Stewart established the Ronald A. Stewart Fund for International Study and Service at Case Western Reserve University’s Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences to award qualified students with scholarship assistance so that they may engage in study and service around the globe.

Dr. Stewart resides in southern California’s Coachella Valley.


Favorite Employer Award
Pacific Clinics' Vocational Program

Most Influential Person
Pasadena Weekly

1996 Kent State University Young Alumni Achievement Award

Thomas B. Schneider Memorial Fellowship
Case Western Reserve University

Extra Mile Award
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority

Ronald A. Stewart Day
in Cleveland City of Cleveland Proclamation